This blog is free and open-access. Everyone can contribute to it.
General Structure :
Submissions can be written either in French, English or Arabic. They should be between 1500-3000 words and include the following elements:
- Title : Every submission should include a title and optionally a subtitle.
- Summary : Submissions should include a short summary of 50 to 70 words.
- Keywords : Submissions should include 5 to 10 keywords which identify the topics covered.
Submissions are expected to be properly referenced and include a bibliography.
Author’s name and biography :
Every submission should include the author’s name as well as a short biography.
Referencing Style and Transliterations :
Bibliographical references should abide by the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). For more information, please refer to the ISBD Guidelines here.
Transliterations in the Arabic language should follow the system below:

Visual Contents :
Submissions may include photos, pictures, charts, infographics and any other materials meant to illustrate the topics covered. Every material should be properly credited.
Submissions may also include external links whose contents are verified. These may be links to other articles or to videos posted in other platforms or websites.
Submitting an article does not necessarily result in its publication on the Qawami blog. The Qawami editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject any submission.
Qawami is not an activist platform. It is a platform meant to disseminate academic concepts and ideas. Submissions should have minimum academic standards.
Submissions which contain offensive, abusive, racist, sexist, or defamatory statements, or which contain unauthenticated, inaccurate or unverified information will not ne accepted.
Submissions which include plagiarised material will not be considered.
Submission Procedure :
Articles can be submitted to the Editorial Committee by email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.